
Showing posts from September, 2017

Choosing The Right Wedding Photographer

Organising a wedding takes a lot of time; there are so many things to decide upon the list can seem endless! One of the decisions couples getting married have to make is ‘who will photograph our wedding?’. There are a plethora of wedding photographers out there to choose from and they all vary as much in skill level as price! Everyone has a budget, even Prince William and Kate Middleton will have had a budget, albeit slightly larger than the norm! One thing is certain, do not under any circumstances ask a family member or a friend ‘who has a big fancy camera!’. Unless this friend or ‘Uncle Bob’ has a serious amount of both kit and expertise it is a recipe for disaster and perhaps even spoil that friendship forever, the results will not be as good as a professional wedding photographer in Scotland . Therefore, here are some top tips for choosing your wedding photographer. Take Your Time, but don’t leave it too long…. You should avoid being in any kind of hurry or rush when it co...